“Live less out of habit and more with intent." - Anonymous
Society teaches women to be responsible for their family. But here’s what they’re really saying, “Be responsible for everyone!” That’s an impossible task for any mom. I know because I watched my mom and wife Christy do it.
What happens is most moms get caught in what I call, “Over-responsibility.” You believe you’re the only one responsible for raising your children, solving household problems and so on. That pressure builds up over time. Today, we’re gonna discuss how to beat it once and for all!
In this lesson I’ll share the top seven things you can do to cure over-responsibility in your life. Doing so can lower the anxiety and pressure of being a mom.
AI know, I know…You will do anything for your family. But let me share an overlooked secret about God you may not know. Despite his ability to do anything or be anywhere at once, guess what? There are some things God won’t do! Why? Those things are not his responsibility.
Starting today, you need to set clear boundaries on what you will do and won’t do in your household. That may sound crazy, but hear me out. The best leaders of God had help. Only the fools did everything alone. And mom, you’re no fool! Set clear boundaries, which will give you the power to enact step two.
My wife can do anything. She’s an amazing mom. Yet she doesn’t run the house alone. Before we were empty nesters our children and myself had a job. You would never catch my wife running around doing all of the household chores. It’s too much pressure.
Give the people under your roof a job. Assign them tasks they can do to take the pressure off of you. If you’re single and have a reasonable budget, hire a housekeeper and so on. The goal is to remove tasks that put unreasonable pressure on you.
My wife can do anything. She’s an amazing mom. Yet she doesn’t run the house alone. Before we were empty nesters our children and myself had a job. You would never catch my wife running around doing all of the household chores. It’s too much pressure.
Give the people under your roof a job. Assign them tasks they can do to take the pressure off of you. If you’re single and have a reasonable budget, hire a housekeeper and so on. The goal is to remove tasks that put unreasonable pressure on you.
Years ago a study was done on how long the human brain can focus on one task. The results were a bit shocking. It revealed your brain can handle one task for thirty three minutes. After that it needs a ten to fifteen minute break.
Moms I know will work on a household task till they drop. Instead, set a timer for thirty-three minutes. Once it goes off take a break. Go for a walk, watch some television, call a friend. It doesn’t matter if you hop in your pool! Point is, practice giving yourself breaks. You’ve earned them!
Women and men are perfectionists. We all have that part of us that wants things done perfectly. But we don’t live in a perfect world. Obsessing over perfection with a household task won’t serve you. Just know it won’t be perfect no matter what. Why? Anything can always be better.
Learn to let go of a task when you’ve done all you can do. Wearing yourself out adds to the pressure you’re feeling. This is key, because the wrong pressure can tempt you to do unhealthy things like drinking too much to relieve the pressure.
If you’re a stay-at-home mom, admire your work. Don’t stand around convincing yourself you didn’t get anything done today. That’s perfectionism telling you lies. Your time, creativity, and imagination are invaluable. When you use those things to take care of your household, you have done an admirable thing. So, admire your hard work!
God did the same thing. After six days of creating the universe he kicked back, took it all in and was pleased with what he did. Take a page out of his book! Never let a day go by where you don’t admire the great work you have done for yourself and family!
Moses was going nuts at one point after leading Israel out of Egypt. He was trying to handle all of their complaints. Can you imagine that? Of course you can, because you’re a mom who does the same thing too much. When Moses told God about his frustrations he told him to get support. Moses got other leaders to handle the people he was in charge of.
You’re not alone as a mom. Join a running or walking group. Maybe there’s a Bible study, reading club or some other venue just for moms like you. Join them! Get the support you need. Even walking around the block with fellow moms can ease the tension you feel at home.
Here is a quick checklist to get you started with you website blow. Remember imperfect action beats inaction, get started and keep publishing.
Create your blog page then add the blog element
Add the blog element to your page and select if you want compact or list view
Start planning your blog topics by Identifying what resonates with your audience. If you are stuck you can use sites like - https://answerthepublic.com/
Create an outline serves your company goals.
Write conversationally, like if you were telling a story to a friend
Pick a catchy title.
Use several media types (gif, short video, or image) to deliver your messages.
Use data to back up claims or ideas - make sure to cite all sources❗
Have a call to action and or give your audience something to walk away with.
Take 30 minutes to edit your post.